Friday, September 25, 2009

Breaking In the new home

Well, I am SOOO happy to hear from all of you. I thought for sure we were forgotten by now but your comments proved me wrong and in a new place with few friendships small comments from old friends just brightens up my day so thank you all for tuning in. Now speaking of a new home we Donovans had to break in our newest little abode the only way we know how with ART!

I unpacked our collection of art supplies and put the kids to work. We have a lot of new walls to cover with their paintings so this activity will keep us busy for a bit, thank goodness they love to paint.
Of course only about 7% of the painitng actually happens on the paper so maybe this is going to be a much slower process than I thought.

But aren't they soooooo cute?

Oh yeah and Memphis is butt naked. I forgot all about that, haha.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Move-In Day

Hello everyone do you remember us? Yeah, we've been gone for a little while so sorry about that. But we're back, hopefully for good now that I have my camera figured out and my computer figured out and our BIG move behind us. Here are a few snap shots of our newest humble abode.
This is our beautiful tree lined street with beautiful older homes on it.
Here is our living room with our bedroom off of it with nice glass french doors (not shown in picture).

This is the kids play room with lots of windows and light for all their playing adventures.

This is the front of our apartment building with all of our stuff on the curb waiting to be taken up to our apartment. We live on a one lane, one way street and the moving truck went down the wrong way and completely stopped traffic so in an attempt to hurry the process along we unloaded the moving truck in front of our apartment, sent the truck on its way and then proceeded to move all of our boxes upstairs and then up some more stairs into the attic. Our neighbors felt so bad for us they introduced themselves and then started helping us move all of our stuff. Some gave us food, some baby sat the kids and others just talked to us and asked us why we left California for New York, we just smiled and said California was just too beautiful all the time and that we were ready for some cooler weather. It rained the next day.