Okay, so first things first, here is our new pet or should I say pets. We've been really talking about getting Merrick some kind of pet but we weren't sure how much we could handle so a few weeks ago we decided to get Merrick a Beta Fighting Fish, they are soo cool by the way. After a few days we noticed how lonely he was so we went back and got him a wife which I like to call Fluffy because I think it's hilarious and because she's no where near fluffy but Merrick calls her Baa and the boy fish Waa which we nicknamed Wade (get it) hahaha okay so anyways can you guess what happened with this arranged marriage? oh yeah that's right a ton of little baby beta fighting fishes.
Pop, Merrick and Uncle Bud. If you look really close or actually I don't know if you can even tell in this picture but they all have the same Hewitt ears it cracks me up.