Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Leia's 1st Birthday

What can I say about our FAVORITE girl, in the whole world, other than that WE ADORE HER!!! 

Dear Sweet Leia,
You are an amazing baby, truly a gift from our Heavenly Father. We feel blessed to know you, to have you be a part of our family and have the opportunity to raise you up as a child of God. Everyday we hug and kiss you and think that there could never be a more prettier or smarter 12 month old on this whole earth. You are the twinkle in your father's eye and the hands down favorite sister to your brothers. Merrick and Memphis love playing with you and reading books to you. They smother you to no end and although we ask them to stop bothering you every five seconds we really can't blame them because you are irresistible. You have the cutest chipmunk cheeks and the most adorable chubby thighs. Your smile lights up my day. I look forward to seeing you grow up and I pray that your life will be filled with love and kindness. Happy Birthday, "pretty girl", we couldn't have hand picked a better daughter had we been given the chance to try. Love you.
Mama, Daddy, Merrick & Memphis

Some of your grandest achievements to date:

You just learned how to walk and your on the move!
You like to swim with arm floaties and you are really good at it!
Your a little territorial (already)!
You love to dance and bob your head!
You're independent and like to do things your way!
You DON'T like your brothers crowding you and you don't like them pushing you away!
Your brothers call you "BIG BABY" with a deep yet funny voice!
You like to feed yourself, especially spaghetti!
We call you "Pretty Girl" with a sweet, endearing voice!
You like to be outside!
When we ask for kisses, you give us a kiss and then clap for yourself, it never fails to make us laugh!

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